Ideas To Inspire

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This year I am totally into creating videos for the latest project called Creative Clarity Labs. I wanted to do a Thanksgiving edition and thought one time I remember seeing a draw your our placemat project. I thought and thought about it and suddenly remembered oh – it was me! Not some other site but mine! Funny – it was five years ago so you know – memory eludes me.

Years ago I created a thanksgiving placemat project for the Phoenix New Times. You can view that HERE.

So enjoy the 2015 edition on YouTube and Subscribe because we are making weekly videos that are a hilarious good time!




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If I set aside time everyday to write I feel whole. Writing time calls for prep time this means good smells from fresh flowers, a great pen, Hot tea for sipping and ice water. When the weather is beautiful as it so often is in Phoenix, I sit outside on my back porch and write. It is a delicious life.


I have added a lot of new work to my flickr gallery. Stop over and take a look on Flickr.

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