It’s that time of year – January makes us contemplate the year ahead and all of the things we’d like to accomplish. I am not big on making resolutions but instead I focus on setting goals. I sat down recently and made goal lists for the coming year and when I painted them I thought to myself that I should share these as inspiration sheets. So here are short and long term goal sheets. Only write down three to five goals as that allows you to be more focused. Also,  be specific with your goals because being to broad or too abstract allows you to get out of it.

LOW RES Long Term Goals Sheet

Download the high res PDF here: Long Term Goals Sheet


LOW RES Short Term Goals Sheet

Download the high res PDF here: Short Term Goals Sheet


I have added a lot of new work to my flickr gallery. Stop over and take a look on Flickr.

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Create Everyday is a motto I live by. Be it something creative in the studio, gardening, cooking something up in the kitchen or styling my home. Everyday I have something to look upon to show for my creative actions. There is always time – Create time if you create nothing else in a day. Create your day – everyday!

create every day painting


Woody Guthrie’s New Year’s Resolutions from 1942 – 1943

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This amazing list of Woody Guthrie’s from the 1940’s brings such a smile. It is at once delicious and profound and thoughtful and tragic. What a beautiful tale in both words, hopes and tiny doodles. I think it would be such a good idea to create drawn journal pages that are resolutions or goals for the coming year. Hmmmm . . . . stay tuned for that.

Woody Guthrie’s resolutions found on Boing Boing

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