Hope everyone has been enjoying holiday decorating, gift wrapping and meal prepping. Here is a little treat to download for your desktop wallpaper from Lovely Lula. Merry Christmas!
Download the PDF Here: Lovely Christmas
Tis the season for gift wrapping at Lovely Lula central this can feel so tedious. So in order to make it more fun I say turn it into a gift of it’s own. If you take the time to create a beautiful package if make the wrapping of the gift a much more enjoyable processes. The examples below include hand painted wrapping paper, dried and hand painted leaves, vintage paper and recycled materials. Get creative. Happy Holidays and happy wrapping!
Christmas presents reveled. This year a group of the Lovely Lula girlfriends met out for some holiday cheer and we exchanged handmade gifts. I made each of my friends and lovely little painting with words that I felt reflected where each individual is currently at in her life. I wanted to mark this time by noting it in paint. Here are the paintings that now live in my girlfriends homes. Ready for a new year!
“EVERYTHING IS FREE IT ALWAYS WILL BE” but we need your help to keep it that way! 2014 marked our 10th Anniversary providing art worthy materials for creative minds free of charge.
The Art Resource Center (ARC) helps any non-profit to facilitate their art needs.
The ARC has saved thousands of pounds of waste from going to our landfills by collecting materials. When a teacher calls and says they are a new hire but the classroom is empty we fill the shelves with art supplies. When volunteers from March of Dimes want to do a special project we help with ideas and send them away with supplies. When Head Start needs tactile fabrics and inspiration for young minds we are the ones they come to for help. When a homeless artist walks through the door we give her paints and canvas and brushes.
The ARC touches well over 20,000 lives a year and our reach into the community and around the state is growing annually.
Please consider supporting the work of the ARC. Your dollars are needed to increase our space, build a gallery for recycled art exhibits and to offer classes to the community and so that we can be self sustaining.
If everyone on in our network donated $25 we would reach our 2015 goal and fulfill our dreams.
THE ARC is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit your donation is tax deductible.
Please write your check to:
1860 W. University. Suite 102
Tempe, Arizona 85281
Or go to our website www.artresourcecenter.org and click on the donate button.
Thank you and may you have the happiest of holiday seasons,
Sherrie Zeitlin
Here is a sweet little gift from us at Lovely Lula, some free holiday printables. These gift tags are the perfect way to spruce up any gift, with minimal effort. Simply click to download the free PDFs we’ve provided and print them out. Make yours are unique and print them on a nice piece of card-stock or your favorite paper then cut around the designs, hole punch and tie a ribbon through the hole. You can have fabulous handcrafted gift tags in minutes! Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Green Christmas Gift Tags-Download
Green Christmas Gift Tags2-Download
Black and White Gift Tags-Download
Black and White Gift Tags-Download2