Recently I found this dirty and dingy IKEA Greenhouse at a thrift store for a couple of bucks. I could see it had a lot of potential it just needs some TLC.
So I took it home, washed it up and covered most of it with solid gold and pale pink and gold striped Washi Tape. I covered the handles at the top with Sisal Rope.
Here are the results – I am beyond thrilled!
I love when I can set aside time to create for a week solid. I recently did that and immersed myself in jewelry making. I created these necklaces using a variety of materials including: T-shirt yarn, colored wire, colored string, big wooden beads, small glass beads and ceramic beads that I made by hand using air dray clay. I am pleased to share that these are for sale locally at Practical Art in Central Phoenix. Here are just a few of my favorites to show examples of what you’ll see.
Recently I was able to take a glass blowing class at a local glass shop called Circle 6 Studios. I used my class time to create a blown pumpkin. It came out so lovely and sweet I am excited to display if for the fall season.
This is a shot of me working with the instructor, sticking the glass on the end of the rod into the glory hole.
And this is me seated and the bench using the large tweezer like tool to shape the pumpkin before it’s blown into the bulb like shape.
Glass blowing is an amazing experience. I cant wait to do it again!
I love Halloween! Decorating for this favorite of holidays makes me so happy. It’s so fun to do with my little ladies because they like to create little vignettes and stories about Halloween. Here are some highlights from this year.
Halloween wreath made out of tee-shirt yarn with a balsa wood haunted house at the top, covered in hot glue strings to look like spider webs.
Last week was ‘Crazy Hair Day” at the little ladies school.We decided to be ‘Crazy Cute!” so they went as sweet confections.
This is a foil cupcake wrapper cut open at the bottom and placed over a bun of hair. The “cherry” is a red poof ball glued to a bobby pin.
This one uses two foil cupcake wrappers cut open at the bottom and placed over two pig tails of hair. The “cherry” is a red poof ball glued to a bobby pin.