Click HERE to check out all previous summer camp action.
We played science games, checked out science movies and books from the library. We drew a lot of mad scientist pictures and we also ate several science inspired meals. Here are some highlights of the science fun we had.
We worked on the science of baking by making homemade Cake Pops.
We experiments with borax, corn starch, corn flour and liquid soap by making homemade Goo, slime and quick sand.
We tested our tasted buds by creating our own fizzy soda pop – truly not very tasty but it was a fun experiment! We create soda in the flavors of lime, cinnamon, vanilla and cherry.
At home summer camp is back for 2013. Click HERE to check out all the camp action from last summer. This year we kicked things off with Dinosaur Summer Camp. We gathered all of our dinosaurs then made a trip to the dollar store for fake plants and a bowl for the lake – we lucked out in finding a perfect blue tinted plastic bowl. We stopped by the hardware garden center to pick up rough bricks, two different size stones and sand box sand. We already had square metal garden trays and fake grass on hand. This was a great time in the construction and an even better time playing with our backyard dinosaur enclosure.
We made ‘Dinosaur’ Eggs out of flour and coffee grounds. Grab the recipe here: Coffee Dough Dinosaur Eggs. We filled the eggs with treasures and baby dinosaurs, then allowed them to dry outside in the sun and overnight. Then we smashed the eggs with our biggest toy dinos to crack them open.
We played dinosaur games, checkout dinosaur movies and books out of the library. We held who can roar the loudest contests and drew a lot of dino pictures. Also also ate several dinosaur inspired meals. Keep scrolling to see dino pancakes, sandwiches, green eggs for leaves and snack with dinosaur bites taken out of them.
I was visiting Lowes Home Store recently when I noticed they had a great rack filled with about to die flowers and plants. I picked this great purple bloom up for only $2 and it was lived for nearly two weeks. That is a better buy then getting fresh cut flowers that don’t last as long. Super smart! This is a tip I am going to check on all summer long as and alternative to the florist. The cactus was already on my table.