Watching a cookie show with my littles we watched as a chef made fish tacos using Ahi Tuna and instantly we knew – we have to try that. They were delicious!



We toasted corn tortillas as our base, topped them with sliced and salted avocado, then added the seared the tuna topped with peach mango salsa and cilantro and severed them with a lime wedge – so good! We will do this again.

2016 banana
For 2016 I am super focused and purpose driven.
I created the Laboratory5 Inc. Intentions Meditation® for 2016
Here is the written PDF: New Year Intentions Meditation
Or the two part downloadable audio files:
Part One is 7 minutes of Setting Intentions

Part Two is a 7 minute Visualization Meditation

Intentions Meditation I came up with three focused intentions for 2016. They are:
Stay committed
Focus on being more of a Hermit
Gather time from all resources
p.s. Why bananas? 2016 is the Year of the Monkey


This year I am totally into creating videos for the latest project called Creative Clarity Labs. I wanted to do a Thanksgiving edition and thought one time I remember seeing a draw your our placemat project. I thought and thought about it and suddenly remembered oh – it was me! Not some other site but mine! Funny – it was five years ago so you know – memory eludes me.

Years ago I created a thanksgiving placemat project for the Phoenix New Times. You can view that HERE.

So enjoy the 2015 edition on YouTube and Subscribe because we are making weekly videos that are a hilarious good time!




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If I set aside time everyday to write I feel whole. Writing time calls for prep time this means good smells from fresh flowers, a great pen, Hot tea for sipping and ice water. When the weather is beautiful as it so often is in Phoenix, I sit outside on my back porch and write. It is a delicious life.

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