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It’s time to start thinking about what to serve the trick-or-treaters in your house before they head out to fill their bags with the sugar. This recipe allows everyone to get involved and will tempt the taste buds of the junior set right along with the more senior members of the house.

For the recipe jump on over to the Phoenix New Times Chow Bella:   Jack O’Lantern Cheeseburger Pie


So the baker’s costume will work for some events but a girls gotta have options. So I also created this recycled umbrella jelly fish costume.

To learn how to make it jump over to my piece at the Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch: Thrifty Homemade Jelly Fish Costume


Pumpkin season only comes around once a year, so you have to make as many goodies as you can out of it. Why not go over the top with decadence? This layered cake is pumpkin chocolate chip with a pumpkin, cinnamon, and cream cheese frosting. There is really nothing else to say except copy down this recipe and make it asap. It is pretty rich, though, so this is an eating event to take on with a buddy or two. For the recipe jump on over to Phoenix New Times Chow Bella Blog: Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Layer Cake .


I am willing fall to come to AZ by making a no-sew fleece scarf with felt layered pins. It will happen, soon enough we will feel chilly. For the complete how to visit Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch: Embrace Fall and Make a Scarf (No Sewing Required).


It is beginning to look a lot like fall – can you feel it in the air? Soon enough we will be able to turn our ovens on and bake and there is nothing thriftier then making your own bread. It really is inexpensive and is not hard at all. This is a perfect Sunday afternoon project and it will yield four loaves so you will have bread for an entire week. Well that is if you don’t slather it with butter right out of the oven and eat an entire loaf on the spot. For the recipe, how to and tips jump on over to my piece at the Phoenix New Times Chow Bella: Homemade Classic French Bread.

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