It is finally fall in Arizona and so it was time to bust out a soup recipe. This week I made a Spicy Pumpkin Black Bean Soup as blogged about at Phoenix New Times Chow Bella.
For the Recipe: Pumpkin Black Bean Soup
Tiffany’s has a new leather and exotic skin line filled with bags, purses, journals, key chains and luggage tags. The leather goods are in brown, black, silver and Tiffany blue. Too pricey for you? Make a copy cat as I blogged about over at the Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch: Thrifty Version Of Tiffany’s Luggage Tag.
Here is the tutorial: Thrifty Version Of Tiffany Luggage Tag
Head on over to the Phoenix New Times Chow Bella blog to read my piece called Stop, you can eat those rotten tomatoes. Tips on using up tomatoes headed to the compost bin.
Wondering what to do with out of date herbs and spices? Make Zaatar bread. Read all about it in my post over at Phoenix New Times Chow Bella: Old herbs get a life.
Recipe: Zaatar Recipe
Phoenix Frida’s 14th Amendment Gown at the Valle del Sol’s Profiles of Success with Ombre Dye how to. Read my piece for Jackalope Ranch.