All posts tagged Articles

Lasagna can seem like an ingredients-heavy meal with a lot of steps and full of fat from the noodles and cheese, but there are ways around all of the road blocks. Make it simple by using “no-boil” lasagna noodles, skip the meat and add in grated vegetables for a sneaky healthier — and affordable — option.

Learn how to make this quick recipe from my piece at The Phoenix New Times Chow Bella blog: Quick and Sneaky Lasagna


What do you do with hundreds of yards of soft grey fleece after it is taken down from an exhibition? Give it to other artists to make things. This fleece project came about after an exhibition at Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art called 90 Days Over 100° by Atherton and Keener, was taken down. This  is the result of the scraps re-styled into a functional rug.

Learn how to make a woven fleece rug from my piece at the Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch blog: Art to Rug, a Restyle


Who doesn’t love a Marc Jacobs bag? This delicious Love Story Big Heart Satchel causes some serious envy but at $1895 the love is more of a longing. So how about wearing the style without paying the price? After a trip to a couple local craft stores you can whip one up yourself.

Learn how to make an Inspired Style – Marc Jacobs Knock Off from my piece over at Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch Blog: Inspired Style: A Marc Jacobs Knock-Off


This Valentines Day I am all about comfort foods – read my The Thrifty Cook post over at the Phoenix New Times Chow Bella Blog and part of a three way show down: Valentine’s Day Showdown: Comfort Food from the Thrifty Cook

My three thrifty options are great because they make more then you need for one meal and you can freeze portions to serve up at a later date. Well, the mac and cheese and meatloaf anyway, the brownies may not last.

Baked Mac and Cheese

Apple Crusted Meatloaf

Bite Size Brownies


Want To Know What I Am Passionate About? Read all about it over at Spark the Heart – my interview is this months feature.

Ruth Davis of Spark The Heart asks me “share how you balance all of your activities with your never-ending wealth of inspiring ideas.” Happy to I said. Here is the interview: This Month’s Passionate Person is Cyndi Coon

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