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Now is the time to pick up pull-over sweaters on sale at bargain prices. I wondered if I could re-style a pull-over into a cardigan because even though it is about to heat up in sunny AZ it is also about to be the season when it is freezing in movie theaters, restaurants, and everywhere indoors. This grey pull over sweater was a steal at Target for only four bucks!
Learn how to re-style a pull-over sweater into a cardigan from my piece over at Jackalope Ranch blog post: A Sale Sweater, Restyled


It’s super bowl eve do you know what you’re bringing to the party? Why not be the hero and take something to make the vegetarian friends happy and no one needs to tell the meat eaters that those are veggie crumbles and not beef or turkey.

Make this chili the day before and if you don’t take it to a super bowl party you’ll have the large pot full all week long for left-overs.

Learn how to make Vegetarian Super Bowl Chili from my piece over at The Phoenix New Times Chow Bella Blog: Vegetarian Super Bowl Chili

Recipe: Veggie Chili


Does a man friend in your life have a drawer full of scrap, leftover hardware parts and pieces? We’ll dig in because those abandoned washers and such can turn into a super stylish piece of neckwear. This piece using hardware supplies was inspired by the re-styling projects created over at P.S. I Made This.

To learn how to make this “left over” hardware necklace  jump on over to my piece at the Phoenix New Times Jackalpoe Ranch blog post: Hardware, Seriously Restyled


Found at a recent clothing swap held at Blueberry Deluxe Boutique in the Melrose District: 1 Marimekko Dress.

Dilemma: Short girls (i.e. The Thrifty Maker) can’t wear full body floral prints.

Solution: Restyle it! Marimekko dress meet scissors because your are about to have a makeover. This Marimekko dress retails for more than $100 and a Marimekko bag alone is about $89. (Check out Finn Style for proof.) Cost for this skirt and bag (free), around ¢25 for thread, ¢30 for binding tape and ¢60 for a silk ribbon. Total cost: $1.15.

Learn how to restyle a dress into a skirt and a bag from my post over at the Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch blog:
Marimekko Dress, Restyled


Here is the Before:

And here is the re-styled after:

The New Year always begs for an organization make-over, and taking baby steps can make this an easier process. How about starting with the office supplies drawer? Get the paperclips and rubber bands out of hiding and make them an accessory to your workspace.
Gather ideas for re-styling your office supplies from my Thrifty Maker post over at the Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch: Office Supplies, Restyled

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