The Little Spark – 30 Ways to Ignite Your Creativity By Carrie Bloomston – Now Available for Pre-Order!
My creative practice is featured in this book. Please pre-order and buy this amazing book as holiday gifts by my delightful friend and fellow Phoenician Creative Carrie Bloomston.
This past weekend I lead a workshop at SMoCA for teens at the Night At The Museum Event. It was such a good time!
I used rubber stamps of mason jars, stamped them onto paper, scanned them into the computer, cleaned them up and blew the scale up to a larger size. Then I printed the graphic jars onto white card stock. I had the participants cut the jars out and glue them on three sides down to a colored card stock, leaving the top open so a paper note could be tucked in. Then they decorated each of their jars. They made some amazing projects! Here are the sample I created. I will post theirs into another post soon.
My lovely friend T celebrated her birthday recently and hosted her own party with a shoe theme. The night was filled with ladies, champagne, good food and all things shoes. In honor of the event I created a painting for her using the theme. I also made a companion card to go along with the art. It was a fun project!
The shoes were cut out at different sizes using my Cricut out of pink cheetah print paper. The pink zebra print is Duct Tape.
While camping in Forest Lakes, Arizona in the Sitgreaves National Forest on the Mogollon Rim which is part of the White Mountains this Summer I kept a journal of our activities, things we saw and did. They are pen and ink drawings in a small bound journal. We camped for 14 days and out of it came these 17 drawings.