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I covered my dining room chairs for Halloween. This project requires a sewing machine and a YUDU screen printer. I created the bats  by cutting them out using my Cricut and Happy Hauntings Cartridge. Then I created them in YUDU screens and printed them with black ink onto white canvas. I then cut the canvas into a circular moon shape. For the black cover I used black broad cloth and fit it to loosely cover the chairs and then sewed them up on three sides. I then sewed the printed moon onto the black cover. I finished it off by tying a long strip of black broad cloth around the bottom of the black covering. I made four of these in a day – go for it, you can too!


Tonight I am doing a YUDU workshop at MADE with Sarah of 26-Letters. I made this great inspiration board by spray painting a piece of masonite black, drilling two holes at the top, screen printing it with white patterns and then adding ribbon, rubber bands, cork, magnet and clips. Want to learn how? Join me at the workshop.


I was so inspired after making a tee-shirt yarn wreath that I thought why not make one for Halloween?

Here’s how: I bought a wreath from at the dollar store. The first step is to cover it with black masking tape, Next wrap black cheese cloth around it, pulling at the strings, allowing them to hang off for a spooky effect. Next I made three tee-shirt yarn flowers using black tee-shirt yarn. I attached those flowers to a backing of grey felt and glued them down to the wreath. I topped the flowers by putting copper and black hot rocks on them. For the final step I took three colors of tee-shirt yarn, braided them together and made the top hanging piece for the wreath.


To purchase one of my T-shirt Yarn Kits click HERE


This spider is hanging out on the glass of my front door. To make her I used my Cricut and the October 31st cartridge and cut her out of black card stock. To create the web I drew a drawing of a web on a piece of paper and then I cover the piece of paper with a transparent teflon sheet. I used the drawing underneath as my guide and “traced” over top of it with hot glue. I allowed the glue to dry completely on the teflon. Once dry I peeled it off and stuck it to the glass on the window. The sticky plastic quality of the hot glue attaches perfectly to glass and pulls of when you are ready to take it down.

I kind of want these in every window in my house but I think the tall one in the house might have a different idea.


This is my Halloween centerpiece this year. Such a simple project that I saw in Martha Stewart’s Halloween Book. I used an empty pickle jar, applesauce jar and salsa jar for these. I washed each one and allowed them to air dry then I coated the inside of each one with orange craft paint and poured the excess back into the paint container. I allowed the inside of each jar to dry completely. The faces, a grumpy  pirate, a jack-o-lantern and a dopey dracula, are made by hand cutting adhesive backed, sheet vinyl. Just peel the backing off after cutting the shape and stick it to the jar. The final step was to wrap black wire around the rim and twist it into a loop. Tie an orange ribbon around the wire loop so jars and hang as well as sit on a table.

These were so fun to make I think more may be in my future.

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