Next week school starts back up! It will be the short one’s first day of Kindergarten and I am worried on many levels, mom stuff! I thought I would make a morning check list on a place mat to make getting ready in the morning a bit easier. The place mat is laminated so we can use dry erase markers to check the items off and start fresh every morning.
I used card stock to cut out the plate and silverware using my Cricut and the Creative Memories Traveler Cartridge and then I glued it down to an 11 x 17 sheet of green card stock that I drew pink lines all over with a sharpie. I created the title “Morning Check List” and the actual check list on the computer using the free font called Chalkduster, printed it onto coral colored card stock and glued it down to the large sheet. I finished it by adding a piece of alphabet tape and then laminating it. Summer is ending – it’s back to school time!
Happy crafting xoxo. Follow me on Twitter I am Lab5.
Huge News readers.
My friend Kathy Cano-Muurillo aka The Crafty Chica is offering an online class just for DIYers. She should know how to do publicity since she is a national spokes person for I Love To Create, has a product line at Michael’s, a line of crafty how to books and two novels under her belt. Sign up – at a mere $99 it is a steal! It started yesterday so sign up today!!!
Check out this super fun puppet theater I created for the girls to play with. I made it using my Cricut and the new Yee Haw cartridge. The parts are all cut out of wool felt to make a barn, grass and the horse puppets.
For the complete tutorial click here: Yee Haw Barn and Puppet Tutorial
Happy crafting xoxo. Follow me on Twitter.
This project was featured on the HIVE
I created a stop sign shaped Car Carrying Fashion Case for the short one using the Cricut Pop-Up Neighborhood Cartridge. I started with a simple octagon shaped box, spray painted it red, cut cars and trucks out using my Gypsy, Cricut and the Pop-Up Neighborhood Cartridge out of blue and black sticky back vinyl. I attached the vinyl to the spray painted box and then added a chair webbing handle.
For the down-loadable PDF Tutorial click here: Car Case Tutorial
Enjoy and happy crafting xoxo
I made a Springtime Fun barrette for the short one to wear to a party she was invited to. She is in pre-school so learning letters and simple words are the “it” thing for the kids! I used the Cuttlebug to cut the shapes out of wool felt. I used an over-sized barrette and spray painted it hot pink.
Here are the steps on how I made it
Happy Crafting xoxo