All posts tagged HowTo

When the short one requested that the theme of her 5th birthday be “Under The Sea” I thought, this will be fun. I busted out the Cricut to make table top decorations that looked like aquariums. To do this I covered Subway Sandwich 3 foot delivery boxes with blue plastic table clothes, the boxes were left over from my friend Carrie (of Suchity Such) son’s birthday party – I thought they were a perfect re-use item. I then cut fish and octopus from the Create-a-Critter Cartridge and glued them on. I then used Wite-Out markers to make bubbles.

To save the memory of the day I made a matching photo frame by painting a ply-wood frame metallic blue, attaching aqua washi tape and then matching octopus and gluing on googly eyes, I will put a picture from the birthday party once I print them.

For snacks at the party I filled clam shell bowls with gold fish crackers and chocolate “treasure” coins.

Finally, I made cupcakes topped with plastic swords and blue frosting for the boys and plastic mermaids with purple frosting for the girls.

Happy Crafting xoxo


Today I am baking bread and sipping tea. I made homemade delicious caramel tea – yum! It is made with candy caramels, milk and black tea. For the complete tutorial visit mu piece at The Phoenix New Times Chow Bella blog: Caramel Tea

If you’ve got that caramel loving feeling – head out to Caramelpalooza tonight at Smeeks on Central and Camelback for some caramel taste testing.


Piñatas often hit the recycle bin as fast as the candy’s punched out of their guts. But I grabbed this one from a family Christmas party and help on to it to re-work it for Beatrice Moore, owner of Bragg’s Pie Factory. The annual Mutant piñata show opens this Friday at Braggs.

If you want to make a piñata you have two options: Do all the work and start from scratch, or you could use an existing piñata’s structure and restyle it into a mutant.
Learn how to restyle a piñata into a mutant from my piece at the Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch blog post: A Piñata, Restyled (into a Mutant!)


I made this fun and edgy skull bracelet for Mardi Gras. It has the green and purple colors and the spooky skull theme often associated with New Orleans and Mardi Gras. I made the cuff  and the skull out of Shrinky Dink material. The skull is cut on the Cuttlebug using the Beware Cuttlebug Die and then shrunk with a heat gun.

All the step by step directions are here: Shrinky Dink Skull Bracelet How To

Happy Crafting xoxo Lovley Lula


What do you do with hundreds of yards of soft grey fleece after it is taken down from an exhibition? Give it to other artists to make things. This fleece project came about after an exhibition at Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art called 90 Days Over 100° by Atherton and Keener, was taken down. This  is the result of the scraps re-styled into a functional rug.

Learn how to make a woven fleece rug from my piece at the Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch blog: Art to Rug, a Restyle

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