Lasagna can seem like an ingredients-heavy meal with a lot of steps and full of fat from the noodles and cheese, but there are ways around all of the road blocks. Make it simple by using “no-boil” lasagna noodles, skip the meat and add in grated vegetables for a sneaky healthier — and affordable — option.
Learn how to make this quick recipe from my piece at The Phoenix New Times Chow Bella blog: Quick and Sneaky Lasagna
This Valentines Day I am all about comfort foods – read my The Thrifty Cook post over at the Phoenix New Times Chow Bella Blog and part of a three way show down: Valentine’s Day Showdown: Comfort Food from the Thrifty Cook
My three thrifty options are great because they make more then you need for one meal and you can freeze portions to serve up at a later date. Well, the mac and cheese and meatloaf anyway, the brownies may not last.
It’s super bowl eve do you know what you’re bringing to the party? Why not be the hero and take something to make the vegetarian friends happy and no one needs to tell the meat eaters that those are veggie crumbles and not beef or turkey.
Make this chili the day before and if you don’t take it to a super bowl party you’ll have the large pot full all week long for left-overs.
Learn how to make Vegetarian Super Bowl Chili from my piece over at The Phoenix New Times Chow Bella Blog: Vegetarian Super Bowl Chili
Recipe: Veggie Chili
Have you given up on your New Year’s resolutions yet? Well this isn’t going to help you because I am talking donuts! Let’s make some home made cheater donuts. This way you can enjoy the crispy fried taste without the risk of being caught in a donut shop by your friends that you made the resolution with. These are called cheaters because you don’t even have to make the dough — canned biscuit dough is all you need. And you can cheat on your resolution and no one has to know. He He!
For the recipe visit my post at the Phoenix New Time Chow Bella Blog: Cheater Donuts
I made Pilgrim hat cookies as a test run for Thanksgiving. I am going to make them the day of Thanks for those who do not want pie. This would be a fun project to get the kids involved with too.
To get the recipe and full how to jump on over to my piece at Phoenix New Times Chow Bella: Pilgrim Cookie