What do you do with hundreds of yards of soft grey fleece after it is taken down from an exhibition? Give it to other artists to make things. This fleece project came about after an exhibition at Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art called 90 Days Over 100° by Atherton and Keener, was taken down. This is the result of the scraps re-styled into a functional rug.
Learn how to make a woven fleece rug from my piece at the Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch blog: Art to Rug, a Restyle
Now is the time to pick up pull-over sweaters on sale at bargain prices. I wondered if I could re-style a pull-over into a cardigan because even though it is about to heat up in sunny AZ it is also about to be the season when it is freezing in movie theaters, restaurants, and everywhere indoors. This grey pull over sweater was a steal at Target for only four bucks!
Learn how to re-style a pull-over sweater into a cardigan from my piece over at Jackalope Ranch blog post: A Sale Sweater, Restyled
Does a man friend in your life have a drawer full of scrap, leftover hardware parts and pieces? We’ll dig in because those abandoned washers and such can turn into a super stylish piece of neckwear. This piece using hardware supplies was inspired by the re-styling projects created over at P.S. I Made This.
To learn how to make this “left over†hardware necklace jump on over to my piece at the Phoenix New Times Jackalpoe Ranch blog post: Hardware, Seriously Restyled
So the baker’s costume will work for some events but a girls gotta have options. So I also created this recycled umbrella jelly fish costume.
To learn how to make it jump over to my piece at the Phoenix New Times Jackalope Ranch: Thrifty Homemade Jelly Fish Costume