All posts tagged SummerCamp

Inspired by a couple of our favorite books about balloons including Balloon Farm and You Can’t Take a Balloon into the Metropolitan Museum we decided it was only fitting to dedicate some summer camp time to exploring balloons.

balloon farm books

We had the hopes of creating a homemade hot air balloon but after visiting three different locations and being told there was no helium available due to a recent mine closure we knew we needed to talk about balloons even more! We had a lot of fun experimenting with simple latex balloons.

We played balloon games, watched movies about balloons including UP and Balloon Farm and checked out more books about balloons from the library. We drew a lot of pictures of balloons, hot air balloons, run-a-way balloons and live balloons with faces and we also ate balloon inspired meals. We conducted experiments with heat, fire, baking soda and lemons. We tested our our human produced electricity and we made water balloons for an outdoor water balloon fight. Here are some highlights of the balloon experimental fun we had.

Click HERE to check out all previous summer camp action.

101_5305Electricity created by static from our hair.

101_8280Baking soda and lemon juice really do create a gas that blows up a balloon!

101_8284If you fill the bottom of a balloon up with a 1/4 cup of water it actually won’t pop when placed over a flame!

101_8287An empty soda bottle placed in a pan of boiling water really will blow up a balloon the is stretched over the top of the bottle!

101_8288Water balloons ready for a battle!

101_8291Cool Summer water balloon fight!



Click HERE to check out all previous summer camp action.

We played science games, checked out science movies and books from the library. We drew a lot of mad scientist pictures and we also ate several science inspired meals. Here are some highlights of the science fun we had.

We worked on the science of baking by making homemade Cake Pops.




We experiments with borax, corn starch, corn flour and liquid soap by making homemade Goo, slime and quick sand.




We tested our tasted buds by creating our own fizzy soda pop – truly not very tasty but it was a fun experiment! We create soda in the flavors of lime, cinnamon, vanilla and cherry.




At home summer camp is back for 2013. Click HERE to check out all the camp action from last summer. This year we kicked things off with Dinosaur Summer Camp. We gathered all of our dinosaurs then made a trip to the dollar store for fake plants and a bowl for the lake – we lucked out in finding a perfect blue tinted plastic bowl. We stopped by the hardware garden center to pick up rough bricks, two different size stones and sand box sand. We already had square metal garden trays and fake grass on hand. This was a great time in the construction and an even better time playing with our backyard dinosaur enclosure.







We made ‘Dinosaur’ Eggs out of flour and coffee grounds. Grab the recipe here: Coffee Dough Dinosaur Eggs.  We filled  the eggs with treasures and baby dinosaurs, then allowed them to dry outside in the sun and overnight. Then we smashed the eggs with our biggest toy dinos to crack them open.

101_8274   101_8298

We played dinosaur games, checkout dinosaur movies and books out of the library. We held who can roar the loudest contests and drew a lot of dino pictures. Also also ate several dinosaur inspired meals. Keep scrolling to see dino pancakes, sandwiches, green eggs for leaves and snack with dinosaur bites taken out of them.






This summer we are having summer camp at home each week has a different theme filled with activities, crafts, food and field trips related to the theme: Here is the LINK to previous weeks.

For week eleven we had Tropical / Sea Life Week. We also went on a field trip to see the movie Sharks Tail.

Here are some of the highlights from Tropical / Sea Life Week:


Tropical Pancakes


Tropical Luau Dress-Up


Tropical Breakfast


Deep Sea Fishing in the a Backyard Bucket


Homemade Sock Octopus


Tropical Breakfast


Surfing Fort


Tropical Temporary Tattoos


Trip to the Aquarium


Trip to the Aquarium – Looking at Star Fish


Waffle Octopus and Blue Yogurt


Homemade Tropical Fruit Snacks


Trip to the Tropical Big Surf Water Park – Water Slide


Trip to the Tropical Big Surf Water Park – In Front of the Wave Pool



This summer we are having summer camp at home each week has a different theme filled with activities, crafts, food and field trips related to the theme: Here is the LINK to previous weeks.

For week ten we had Animals and Insects Week. We also went on a field trip to see the movie Charlotte’s Web at the Studio Movie Grill where lunch was served during the film, a real treat for the little ladies.

Here are some highlights from Animals and Insects Week:

Homemade Animal Shaped Pizza cut from cookie cutters


Homemade Stuff Animals – Pink Snakes


Flamengo Observation


Butterfly Sandwiches


Fantasy Foam House for Toy Frogs


A Buggy Breakfast


Field Trip to the zoo – observing a Rhino


Field Trip to the zoo - Carousel


Field Trip to the zoo – Photo Booth


Green Grape Caterpillars


Strawberry Ladybugs


Animal Match Game


Monkey Taco Pocket


Snail Cinnamon Rolls


Post Cards to Gramma and Grampa’s


Bumble Bee Marshmallow Pops


Field Trip to the Peacock Park


Peacock Feather Body Paint


Animal Temporary  Tattoos


Chocolate Animal Sandwich Cookies



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