All posts tagged Workshops

Here are some of the items you will find if you come visit me today at Coffee Cookies Crafts and Braggs Pie Factory. I will be demoing the YUDU screen printer and will be selling screen printed goodies. There are t-shirts, onsies, baby hats, cards, jewelry and a few other yummies. Get your holiday shopping on!


I will be at Coffee Cookies and Crafts this weekend
Saturday, November 6, 2010 From 12 pm to 5 pm

I will be selling screen printed items from cards to tees to baby onsies to pillow. Come check it out and munch some cookies – yum! Also, I will be doing YUDU screen printer demos throughout the day.

At Bragg’s Pie Factory located 1301 W Grand Avenue. Phoenix, AZ


Tonight I am doing a YUDU workshop at MADE with Sarah of 26-Letters. I made this great inspiration board by spray painting a piece of masonite black, drilling two holes at the top, screen printing it with white patterns and then adding ribbon, rubber bands, cork, magnet and clips. Want to learn how? Join me at the workshop.


A couple of weeks ago I offered a sewing workshop at MADE with my creative bud Sarah Spencer. We had a great time and sewed some great bags. Here are some shots from the workshop.


Come join me on Tuesday night at MADE and we’ll sew a little pouch together. Use your little pouch to hold your breath mints, spare change or bee pollen.

Who: Cyndi Coon of Lab5 / Lovely Lula & Sarah Spencer of 26 Letters
What: Bring you and your sewing machine to make a “Carry Anything” pouch. Sewing refresher and materials supplied, $25
When: Tuesday, September 14 from 6pm to 9pm
Where: MADE art boutique
Why: To have some fun, get crafty, and meet new folks!

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